Sing Peace Around the World
In 1982, the United Nations declared September 21 the International Day of Peace or World Peace Day. The day promotes peace throughout the world and calls for, at the least, a ceasefire in active war zones so that humanitarian aid and relief may be provided in those areas. Beginning in 2013, the Secretary-General of the United Nations specifically included Peace Education as a focus and aim of the observance.
Peace Education is central to the Montessori Method. Dr. Montessori worked tirelessly to promote peace and strongly believed “peace is what every human being is craving for, and it can be brought about by humanity through the child.” She argued that children represented the greatest hope for a future free of war and strife. Her work resulted in three nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize and Montessori schools across the world continue to work diligently to incorporate robust Peace Education into daily teaching practices.
At The Springs, peace education is a hallmark of our mission. To kick of this school year, some of our classes will participate in a special observance of the U.N.’s International Day of Peace on Wednesday, September 21 that has been organized by the International Montessori community.
“Sing Peace Around the World” is an international effort in which Montessori communities across the globe will sing Light a Candle for Peace continuously for 24 hours. Singing will begin in New Zealand and continue around the clock until the song reaches the Hawaiian Islands 24 hours later! We will be singing at 9:30 am EST at The Springs! Keep an eye out for a video of this beautiful ceremony and remember to always keep peace in your heart.
For more information about “Sing Peace Around the World,” visit their www.singpeacearoundtheworld.com
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